London and back again? Done.

London and back again? Done.

We did it. We've had road bikes for around 3 months and yet we did it.

It's all a bit bonkers when you put it like that. Aside from Rich and Stu L, the rest of us had not been on a road bike in years. We've had them a few short months. 

It was a crazy idea but it shows that when you decide you're going to do something, not much can stop you.

The facts:

  • 418 miles covered
  • 27 hours on the bike
  • A few teddies thrown out of prams - ask me about the wind and Sav about his screwdriver (ha)
  • A few beers on a night
  • A pub which scared and amused us in equal measure (again, ask us!)
  • Cars beeping us having seen the van
  • People stopping us and giving us cash
  • Meeting the Whizz-Kidz Team and raising morale just as we needed it
  • Scotty sending us up Mount Massive - twice - due to his map reading going wonky
  • Being treat like pro riders by Flash - clean bikes in a morning? Superb!

I'm not going to blog every single incident - I'll be sharing our video when it's edited and posting some more photos but from all of us, a big thanks.

The support we've received from our families, colleagues, Whizz-Kidz and friends on social media has helped us along the way.

Thank you.

Team Strawberry 2013 were: Stuart Leake, Rich Taylor, Steve Savage, Paul Scott, Mark Sweeney, "Flash" Gordon Savage, Jenna Lakhdari, Kat Owen, Stu Greenham, Dominic Love and me, James Greenwood.